About Us



Delivering business solutions for the web and mobile world.

At ASOKUMAR ES Pvt. Ltd. we have been providing web design and development, software development, app development, and domain & hosting services for software, electronics devices, home automation systems and robots. We are passionate to serve all the requirements of clients. We make customer’s life easier through automation. Several projects we’re involved in – be it static websites, e-commerce websites, or dynamic websites for larger enterprises– attests to our versatility and capability to meet the needs of our customers, whatever their requirements or budget.

Amurtha Asokumar, founder and CEO of ASOKUMAR ES

We are specialized in web design (showcase, e-commerce), software, web agency and Home Automation.

My name is Amurtha ASOKUMAR, I am 21 years old and I am a second-year student of DUT GEII (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing), as well as a student entrepreneur at PeeL (Student entrepreneurship center of Lorraine).
I entered into entrepreneurship very early, at the age of 16. My personal and professional background allows me to deepen my entrepreneurial knowledge every day. I have also participated in and won several regional and national competitions in India. I have made numerous interventions with researchers, engineers and students to showcase my projects.
When I was 20, I registered my first digital agency in France, whose main activity was website design. I only see work as a team – 100% of my employees are satisfied with our work space.
I therefore have the ability to study the digitalization project of your company, to provide you with concrete solutions and to provide you with 100% satisfaction.


Get Every answer from here.

Do you have a project? Do you need specific software?

You want to develop software but you don't know how to program it. We are here to help you carry out your project. We will then program your custom software according to your specifications.

Why to have a website?

Today, having a website is essential to gain more visibility. In our modern world where people are spending more and more time on the Internet, having a website for a business is no longer a question, but a necessity. As important as having a phone number.

Your website, accessible anytime and anywhere, will allow your customers to better understand your activity, your prices, your team, your expertise and more.

An e-commerce site is essential to sell your products. Your customer will then be able to buy your products and your services at any time, independently.

How will ASOKUMAR ES help you increase your business?

After creating your website, it is necessary to make regular updates to publish content, present your new products, etc.

ASOKUMAR ES will then take care of updating your website, advertising, SEO, etc.

How will ASOKUMAR ES help you to make your home smarter?

We also make home automation products to make your home safer and smarter.

ASOKUMAR ES takes care of the installation and maintenance of your home automation needs.